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Можно вообще не связываться с Чанком, пройти на автостоянку, выломать брус ограждения если не хватает силы — поможет Blood Buff и пролезть в дыру к боковой двери, открыть замок боковой двери сможет любой персонаж сложность 1. Все это желательно выполнить, не привлекая к себе внимания.
Retrieved August 13, Один оборотней нападет на Родригиза и они оба свалятся вниз, второй же займется вами. Игрок может вытащить Лили из плена в больнице, где из неё выкачивали кровь и может воссоединить влюблённую пару. Статуи находятся в комнатах в углах уровня, когда будете брать статую запомните как выглядит пьедестал на котором она стояла, в зале ее надо будет поставить на точно такой же пьедестал.
Спускайтесь на дно пещеры идите по коридору. Этот этаж охраняется вампирами — вентру. It is drained with each use, and can be replenished by drinking from rats, visiting blood banks or drinking from humans by attacking or seducing them; [1] [5] the player can feed on enemies during combat.

The Masquerade — Bloodlines is a action role-playing video game developed by Troika Games and released by Activision for Microsoft Windows. The Masquerade and follows either a male or female character who is killed and subsequently revived as a fledgling vampire. Bloodlines is presented from first - and third-person perspectives.
The player assigns their character to one of several vampire clans—each with unique powers, customizes their combat and dialog abilities and progresses through Bloodlines using violent and nonviolent methods.
The selection of clan affects how the player is perceived in the game world, and which powers and abilities they possess; this opens up different avenues of exploration and methods of interacting with or manipulating other characters. The player is able to complete side missions away from the primary storyline by moving freely between the available hubs: Santa MonicaHollywooddowntown Los Angelesand Chinatown. The Masquerade — Redemption.
After three years in development with no end in sight and running over budget, Activision set a strict deadline for completion, and Bloodlines was released incomplete in November Released in competition with Half-Life 2 and several other titles, Bloodlines sold fewer than 80, copies during its initial release, which was considered a poor performance.
The game has a cult following as a rarely replicated example of gameplay and narrative, and contemporary reception recognised it as a flawed masterpiece. Since its original release inBloodlines received post-release support from fans, supplying unofficial fixes and re-adding unused content.
Bloodlines is an action role-playing video game optionally presented from the first- or third-person perspective. The player builds their character by spending acquired points to increase their ratings in the three areas. Abilities are talents such as brawling and dodgingskills such as firearms and melee and knowledges such as computers and investigation. During character creation, each upgrade costs one point. The upgrade cost increases as the game progresses.
Although the attractive Toreadors receive bonuses for seduction and persuasion, opening additional dialog options, they are physically weak; the Nosferatu are forced to travel in the shadows or through sewers to avoid alerting humans, but receive bonuses to their intelligence and computer skills, which enables access to more information.
The Malkavians have separate dialog options, reflecting their inherent insanity. Each clan has specific Disciplines, which can be used in combat and to create approaches to quests. It is drained with each use, and can be replenished by drinking from rats, visiting blood banks or drinking from humans by attacking or seducing them; [1] [5] the player can feed on enemies during combat. Players are penalized for using certain vampiric abilities in front of witnesses; exposing their existence loses masquerade points, although additional masquerade points can be earned with quests and other actions.
Violating the masquerade five times draws the ire of vampire hunters and loses the game. This frenzy can also be triggered by a large amount of damage. Like masquerade points, losing all humanity points ends the game, with the vampire becoming a mindless beast.
The Masquerade — Bloodlines takes place in four areas of 21st-century Los Angeles: Santa MonicaHollywoodDowntown Los Angelesand Chinatown. The Toreadors are the closest to humanity, with a passion for culture; the Ventrue are noble, powerful leaders; the Brujah are idealists who excel at fighting; the Malkavians are cursed with insanity, or blessed with insight; the Gangrel are loners, in sync with their animalistic nature; the secretive, untrustworthy Tremere wield blood magic; and the monstrous Nosferatu are condemned to a life in the shadows to avoid humanity.
The main character of Bloodlineswhom the player controls, is an unnamed fledgling vampire, transformed at the start of a game and belonging to one of the clans. The game begins with the player characteran unnamed human, being killed and resurrected as a fledgling vampire. For this unauthorized act, the fledgling and their Sire are brought before the Camarilla.
The Sire is executed by order of LaCroix; the fledgling is spared the same fate by the intervention of the Anarch, Nines Rodriguez, and employed by the prince. LaCroix sends the fledgling to Santa Monica to help his ghoul, Mercurio, destroy a Sabbat warehouse. Following his success the fledgling travels to downtown Los Angeles, meeting separately with Nines, LaCroix, and Jack.
LaCroix tasks the player with investigating a docked ship, the Elizabeth Danefor information about an Ankaran sarcophagus rumored to contain the body of an Antediluvian, one of the oldest and most powerful vampires, whose arrival would herald the vampire apocalypse, Gehenna. The fledgling discovers that the sarcophagus seems to have been opened from within. Increased Sabbat activity coincides with the disappearance of the Malkavian chief, Alistair Grout. The fledgling is sent to the Museum of Natural History to recover the sarcophagus, but finds that it has been stolen.
Jack later suggests to the fledgling that LaCroix wants the sarcophagus to drink the blood of the ancient within, gaining its power. Believing that Gary, the Nosferatu chief, has stolen the sarcophagus, the fledgling is sent to Hollywood to find him; after locating a captured Nosferatu for Gary, he reveals that the sarcophagus was stolen by the Giovanni vampire clan. The fledgling infiltrates the Giovanni mansion and finds the sarcophagus guarded by the Kuei-Jin, who claim their leader, Ming-Xiao, has formed an alliance with LaCroix.
They return to LaCroix, learning that the Sabbat tried to steal the sarcophagus to destroy it and prevent Gehenna, and kill the Sabbat leader to disperse his followers. The fledgling is met by Ming-Xiao, who offers to form an alliance. The fledgling finds Nines hiding in the forest, and they are then attacked by a werewolf and Nines is badly injured.
The fledgling escapes with Jack, who reveals that LaCroix has issued an execution order on the fledgling for framing Nines on orders from Ming-Xiao. The end varies, depending on whom, if anyone, the fledgling allies with. If the fledgling supports LaCroix or Ming-Xiao, each sends the fledgling to kill the other. LaCroix opens the sarcophagus, to be killed with the fledgling by hidden explosives; Ming-Xiao betrays the fledgling, chaining them to the sarcophagus and sinking it in the ocean. Supporting the Anarchs or no one makes the fledgling kill Ming-Xiao and maim LaCroix, who is killed after he opens the sarcophagus.
If the fledgling opens the sarcophagus, they die in the explosion. If the fledgling is a Tremere, they kill Ming-Xiao; LaCroix is replaced by Tremere leader Maximillian Strauss, and the sarcophagus is stored. Each ending has Jack watching from afar with the mummy taken from the coffin and the enigmatic taxi driver who transports the fledgling between locations, who says "The blood of Caine controls our fate The development of Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines began at Troika Games in November The developers wanted to put a role-playing game in a first-person setting, believing that the genre had become stale.
The Masquerade — Redemptionwhich had experienced sufficient success to merit a sequel. Troika wanted to make a 3D gamebut was uncertain whether to build a new game engine or license an existing one and whether to use first- or third-person. The designers broadly tied the overarching story into each hub and level.
Each designer controlled their assigned section of the game, and working with a small team enabled quick decision making and ease in keeping plot elements consistent. Mitsoda became the primary writer for many of the characters and their quests, dialog, and side content in the game, such as emails, which helped retain a consistent narrative. He was given freedom with respect to the script, with no restrictions on language or content, and could rewrite characters when he thought his initial draft weak.
You need a character to pose a problem or give out a quest or be a barrier of some kind. Mitsoda wrote the characters by thinking about who each character was, assigning them motivations determining why they were where they were, what they thought about the player and what they wanted from them. He wrote the Malkavian script last, with time running out on development, and the overwork and lack of sleep contributed to what Mitsoda considered an unhealthy state of mind, ideal for writing insane dialog.
He wanted to highlight their madness, without making it comical. The team attempted to discover which elements could work equally well in pen-and-paper and computer games. Although much of the character system and attributes translated, not all the attributes such as "knowledge of law" made sense in the computer game.
Of 30 pen-and-paper abilities, 15 reached the final design. Another difficult area was feats. Although common feats worked well, with a random chance of success or failure, uncommon ones would appear to fail more often. To avoid this, randomization was replaced by a degree of difficulty in accomplishing the feat.
Although pen-and-paper falling damage is random, the computer game bases damage on the distance of the fall. The pen-and-paper version may require a little blood that requires a long time to use, or have no blood cost and can be used at will; upgraded disciplines had additional requirements considered too confusing for a computer game.
Troika attempted to equalize the disciplines, keeping the effect intact and normalizing the cost, so a first-level power requires one blood point, a second-level two points and so on.
Troika found it difficult to mesh the available factors in a real-time setting. Troika used first-person perspective to immerse the player in the setting, interacting face-to-face with the characters and seeing their facial reactions to the player. This aided the story and compensated for the technical issues of allowing multiple player characters.
Choice is a significant aspect of the game, requiring a non-linear design to accommodate the customized characters. Level design began with a list of factors such as Disciplines, stealth and feats. Each area had to be viable for a shooting character sufficient ammunitiona discipline-focused character sufficient blood sources to keep the powers fueled and a melee specialist to reach enemies without being killedwith stealth options and option combinations.
Then direct, combat-heavy and dialog paths were added. The integrated "faceposer" tool allowed Troika to customize facial animations, expressions, gestures and lip-synching, eliminating the need to explain what a character was doing.
Every non-player character required a voiceover, which helped Troika define its characters more quickly. The engine had a physics system permitting new features, such as monsters hurling corpses at the player or dying characters realistically crumbling into pieces, instead of requiring pre-built animations. Describing the choice of developing a game based on the existing White Wolf property over creating their own, Boyarsky said that although an original property lacked the constraints of an existing one, the downside was that it had not been tested and could be rejected by its potential audience; an existing property was proven.
Activision introduced the game in May[45] but in October, Valve experienced a security breach in which hackers stole the source code for Half-Life 2. The breach required new security implementations for the engine, delaying both games; the release of Bloodlines was postponed until early Bloodlines has several styles of gameplay, requiring different interfaces, animations and artificial intelligence for stealth and melee combat, and first- or third-person capability.
After three years in development, the game was progressing slowly, and it was unknown when it would be finished.
Activision decided that the game was suitable for release, but was contractually bound to withhold Bloodlines until after the debut of Half-Life 2 in November This version underwent another three weeks of testing to become the final release code ; [29] the game was still unfinished when Activision forced its release.
The Masquerade — Bloodlines was released on November 16, in competition with Half-Life 2Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake EaterHalo 2and several other titles. Shortly after its debut, most of the development staff were laid off; the remaining staff tried to patch Bloodlines and develop game concepts to secure funding to keep Troika in business. This resulted in two patch versions: As ofthe game has over 10 years of post-release support with the release of versions 9. The Masquerade — Bloodlines received a mixed response, with reviewers praising its writing and presentation and criticizing its technical problems.
The game has been called a flawed masterpiece by critics. Knights of the Old Republic[13] The Elder Scrolls III: Its writing was consistently praised by reviewers. Eurogamer said that it had the best script the website had ever seen in a video game, [5] and others described it as a superbly crafted tale of conspiracies, underworld subterfuge, fun and intrigue. The mature themes succeeded without being gratuitous or exploitative, and were explored honestly and intelligently by a knowledgeable writer.
GameSpot and GameSpy called the dialog was sharply written, with many memorable lines. Others cited frequent, sometimes-lengthy load times encounted while moving between hubs and entering or exiting buildings and areas. Combat was also criticized.
Reviewers called it poor, clumsy, and unsatisfactory, [1] [5] complaining that Bloodlines favors melee combat; firearms were weak, unwieldy and slow, even for characters specializing in guns. InIGN named Bloodlines the Best PC RPG of that year and GameSpy called the "Ocean House Hotel" quest the Level of the Year. Inan article in Rock, Paper, Shotgun declared: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Masquerade — Bloodlines Developer s Troika Games Publisher s Activision Director s Leonard Boyarsky Jason Anderson.
Brian Mitsoda Chad Moore TJ Perillo. Andrew Meggs Tim Cain. The Masquerade — Bloodlines Review". Archived from the original on July 27, Retrieved July 27, The Masquerade - Bloodlines".
Computer and Video Games. Archived from the original on July 26, Retrieved July 26, The Masquerade - Bloodlines Review". Archived from the original on August 28, Retrieved August 28, The Masquerade - Bloodlines Character System Interview Page 2 ". Archived from the original on August 1, Retrieved August 1, Archived from the original on July 21, Retrieved July 21, The Masquerade - Bloodlines Designer Diary 6".
Archived from the original on August 2, Retrieved August 2, The Masquerade - Bloodlines Character System Interview". The Masquerade - Bloodlines Combat Interview Page 3 ". The Masquerade - Bloodlines Combat Interview Page 2 ". The Masquerade - Bloodlines Character System Interview Page 3 ". The Masquerade - Bloodlines Impressions". Archived from the original on August 3, Retrieved August 3, The Masquerade - Bloodlines Combat Interview". Bloodlines — Heather and Me".
The Masquerade - Bloodlines Updated Impressions". Archived from the original on September 7, Retrieved September 7, Archived from the original on July 20, Retrieved July 20, Archived from the original on October 20, The story of Vampire: Archived from the original on July 19, Retrieved July 19, Archived from the original on September 13, Retrieved September 13, The Masquerade - Bloodlines Designer Diary 1".
The Masquerade - Bloodlines Designer Diary 3". Archived from the original on August 19, Retrieved August 19, Archived from the original on August 13, Retrieved August 13, The Masquerade - Bloodlines Designer Diary 2". Archived from the original on August 10, Retrieved August 10, The Masquerade - Bloodlines Interview". Archived from the original on August 14, Retrieved August 14, The Masquerade - Bloodlines Designer Diary 4".
The Masquerade - Bloodlines Game Style Interview". The Masquerade - Bloodlines Game Style Interview - Page 2 Of 2". The Masquerade - Bloodlines Designer Diary 5". The Masquerade - Bloodlines revealed". Archived from the original on October 27, The Masquerade - Bloodlines E3 Preshow Impressions". Archived from the original on August 15, Retrieved August 15, Archived from the original on October 4, Retrieved August 12, Archived from the original on December 2, Retrieved December 2, Archived from the original on August 21, Retrieved August 7, The Masquerade - Bloodlines Soundtrack Revealed".
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines". Archived from the original on November 6, The Masquerade — Bloodlines Reviews". Archived from the original on April 20, Retrieved July 24, The Masquerade — Bloodlines pc: Archived from the original on April 6, Archived from the original on December 20, Retrieved July 22, The Masquerade — Bloodlines". Archived from the original on August 22, Retrieved August 22, Archived from the original on December 5, Retrieved August 6, Archived from the original on July 12, Bloodlines Achieves True Immortality, Hits Patch 9.
Archived from the original on July 24, Retrieved August 21, Bloodlines Review for PC". Archived from the original on July 30, Retrieved July 31, Vampire or Card Wielder". The New York Times. Retrieved July 30, Archived from the original on October 31, Retrieved October 31, Archived from the original on July 28, Retrieved July 28, Archived from the original on August 5, Retrieved August 5, Archived from the original on January 29, Retrieved August 17, Archived from the original on April 15, Retrieved April 15, Archived from the original on September 25, Retrieved September 25, Archived from the original on May 10, Archived from the original on November 14, The Most Underappreciated Games Of The Decade".
Archived from the original on July 31, Archived from the original on November 3, Archived from the original on July 11, Retrieved July 12, Archived from the original on October 29, Bibliography [ edit ] Osborn, Chuck Bloodlines - The Half Life 2 Engine Gets Dead Sexy. The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura The Temple of Elemental Evil Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines. Tim Cain Jason D. Anderson Leonard Boyarsky Brian Mitsoda. Interplay Entertainment Obsidian Entertainment Source engine.
The Apocalypse List of books Mage: The Ascension List of books Wraith: The Dreaming Kindred of the East Hunter: The Fallen Orpheus Vampire: The Dark Ages Victorian Age: Vampire Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom Mage: The Requiem Clans and Bloodlines Werewolf: Malkavian Time of Thin Blood Gehenna Antediluvians Masquerade society. The Reckoning series Mage: The Masquerade — Bloodlines Vampire: Retrieved from " https: The Masquerade Action role-playing video games Dark fantasy video games Vampire video games Open world video games Activision games Troika Games games Python-scripted video games Source game engine games Video games featuring female antagonists Video games featuring protagonists of selectable gender Video games set in Los Angeles Video games with alternate endings Windows games World of Darkness video games.
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Выбраться из ямы можно через потайную дверь в стене. Терпкий, вяжущий запах малкавианской крови заставил Князя неприязненно поморщиться, прикрывая. Тореадор, барон Анархов в Голливуде.
Повернув налево, вы придете в пещеру с клетками. Добро пожаловать, неонат, — спокойно продолжил Максимиллиан, решая не акцентировать внимание на чужих странностях. Шериф может превращаться в гигантскую летучую мышь. It is only visible to you. Из-за того, что ты слишком долго мертв?
Только перед тем как зайти в здание синдиката убедитесь, что у вас есть огнестрельное оружие и патроны к нему, там оно будет необходимо. The Masquerade — Bloodlines Vampire: Если они вас заметят, то поднимется тревога и сбежится охрана. Sibling Rivalry Сестры - соперницы. The Masquerade — Bloodlines Мир Тьмы.
Малкавиане при помощи Dementation могут заставить Чанка дать ключ от боковой двери. В правильном порядке нажмите рычаги левый — правый — среднийоткроется дверь в другом конце коридора. Start a wiki Community Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat Advertise Media Kit Contact. Во внутренние помещения склада можно либо прорваться в лоб, атакуя группы бандитов, а можно потихоньку через боковой вход.
Steam Community :: Guide :: Прохождение Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
The Masquerade - Bloodlines Designer Diary 6". Archived from the original on July 31, This item has been banned because it violates the Steam Terms of Service.
The player builds their character by spending acquired points to increase their ratings in the three areas. Archived from the original on July 30, Внутри отеля множество противников как вампиров, так и упырей.
The Masquerade - Bloodlines". Меркурио избили и отобрали деньги местные бандиты, когда он пришел к ним за взрывчаткой — астралитом. После окончания ролика вы автоматически окажитесь в Даунтауне в здании Лакруа. Запрыгивайте в нее и скоро окажетесь у корабля. Every non-player character required a voiceover, which helped Troika define its characters more quickly.
Существует мнение что это Таксист если судить по информированности и стилю речи , а следственно и, скорее всего, Каином. In , IGN named Bloodlines the Best PC RPG of that year and GameSpy called the "Ocean House Hotel" quest the Level of the Year. Все кроме носферату перемещаются между районами на такси, после взрыва склада оно появится около входа в Asylum. The Apocalypse List of books Mage: Как только войдете в Asylum, с вами заговорит сестра Тэрезы - Жанетт, поговорив с нею, идите к бармену и скажите, что пришли встретиться с Тэрезой.
В начале игры Меркурио будет раненым. The Dreaming Kindred of the East Hunter: Один из лидеров Камарильи. The Masquerade — Bloodlines.
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