Deep Silver Dambuster Studios Genre s: Supported Functions Online Online Co-Op Multiplayer. A-Z Index Best Games of Buy from an online retailer.
The The original Homefront was game that went under the radar, with an interesting narrative, but lackluster gameplay and average graphics. Ciao a tutti ragazzi oggi vi porto il nono episodio di Homefront, se il video vi piace vi invito a lasciare un LIKE, un COMMENTO e ISCRIVETEVI. They are both 4 player co-op modes where you either defend a position from enemies or you invade to complete on objective The best part is, neither of these modes are competitive Automata 88 What Remains of Edith Finch 88 Nex Machina: HOMEFRONT THE REVOLUTION gameplay ITA EP 13 EPC COLPISCE ANCORA by GRACE PlayStation 4 Available on: The Revolution Official Spring Update Trailer.
I give Homefront the Revolution a 5. The Revolution struggles with the basics: There are a lot of games out there that deserve a worse rating than this. Conditions of Use Privacy Policy.
Generally unfavorable reviews - based on Ratings. See all 44 Critic Reviews. See all 65 User Reviews. A - Z Index. Valerian and the City of a War for the Planet of the Apes. New Releases Coming Soon High Scores Browse A-Z Publications Publishers Trailers.
Deep Silver Release Date: May 17, Also On: PCXbox One. Log in to finish rating Homefront: Coming to Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4, PC, Mac and Linux inHomefront: The Revolution throws players into a near future dystopia. Trapped in this American nightmare, Philadelphia has become a police state, where surveillance drones and armored patrols keep her once-proud citizens at heel, crushing any dissent with totalitarian force.
Deep Silver Dambuster Studios Genre s: ModernActionShooterFirst-PersonArcade Cheats: Please enter your birth date to watch this video:. January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Enter.
Despite maintaining its great atmosphere and its greatly improved graphics, Homefront: The Revolution does not provide much variety of situations or moments that remain engraved in our minds. For almost every positive aspect of the game there is an overpowering negative one that drags it down, be it the satisfying weapons, the environmental design etc. The Revolution, even though had the fundamentals for a good FPS was nonetheless a product of a highly tumultuous developing cycle.
The Revolution wears its troubled design and its unattainable ambition like a scar. After capturing our attention with a strong concept and an intriguing open world, Homefront: The Revolution struggles with the basics: But it truly executes on some of the good ideas it presents, and redeems itself in its latter half to an extent. Playstation Official Magazine Australia.
Combat may offer passing pleasures, but in every other respect, this is more devolution than revolution. Players who manage to get past the technical issues will find themselves saddled with a generic, emotionless game.
The hate is overpowered Yes, this game is not super duper aaa project, but the concept wigh Norh Korea is nice And the weapons are much more The hate is overpowered Yes, this game is not super duper aaa project, but the concept wigh Norh Korea is nice And the weapons are much more realistic than bo3 You can grab your copy at sale and it will be good addition to your collection … Expand.
This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Not sure why this got such bad reviews. There are a lot of games out there that deserve a worse rating than this. It has a unique style of going from open warfare in the red zone to uprising citizens to rebel. This is not one massive map Liberating the entire map will add about 8 hours to the 12 hour main campaign… And this 12 hour campaign much like the world just feels lazy You feel like an errand boy rather than a hero… You do fetch quests and baby sit.
The best part is, neither of these modes are competitive They are both 4 player co-op modes where you either defend a position from enemies or you invade to complete on objective I give Homefront the Revolution a 5.
The original Homefront was game that went under the radar, with an interesting narrative, but lackluster gameplay and average graphics. The The original Homefront was game that went under the radar, with an interesting narrative, but lackluster gameplay and average graphics. America starts buying products from North Korea, including military equipment.
Pretty interesting story right? The gun-play is boring and uninteresting too. Then there is the AI which will sometimes just run in a straight line towards you. Stealth does not work how it was intended i guess, because the enemies have eyes in the back of there heads from time to time.
Sometimes the character just gets stuck in some pile of trash and is unable to move or some annoying sound bugs that only go away once u reload a checkpoint.
It is just frustrating and unsatisfying. I like the concept and enjoyed the original, but avoid this game like the plague. The Revolution - Resistance Mode Trailer. The Revolution - This is Philadelphia Trailer.
Preview 25 notable videogame franchises returning with new titles inincluding Uncharted, Mass Effect, Dark Souls, Legend of Zelda, and more. New PS4 Releases by Date New PS4 Releases by Title Best Recent Releases for PS4 Upcoming PS4 Release Calendar High Scores - PS4 All-Time High Scores - PS4 All PS4 Games: A-Z Index Best Games of Release Dates for Notable Upcoming Games Hardware Reviews: By Metascore By user score.
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About CBS Interactive Jobs Advertise FAQ About Metacritic Contact Privacy Policy Terms of Use. High Scores Best of Netflix Best of Amazon Browse by Genre Critics Publications A - Z Index.
Featured Movies 94 Jul 21 Dunkirk 51 Jul 21 Valerian and the City of a PS4 Xbox One PC Switch Wii U 3DS PS Vita iOS Legacy. What Remains of Edith Finch.
Homefront: The Revolution for PlayStation 4 Reviews - Metacritic
Valerian and the City of a Andromeda 60 Friday the 13th: The Revolution struggles with the basics: The RevolutionPlayStation 4THQ. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. What Remains of Edith Finch. But sometimes things have to die so that better things can replace them. But your enemy has the advantage…. High Scores Best of Netflix Best of Amazon Browse by Genre Critics Publications A - Z Index. See all 44 Critic Reviews. You feel like an errand boy rather than a hero… You do fetch quests and baby sit.
Cryp Trade Like our fan page for more! Homefront The Revolution - 8 - In Cerca Di Cercatori - Walkthrough Gameplay ITA Infinity War Poster Reveals Bearded Cap. ModernActionShooterFirst-PersonArcade Cheats: Making things worse are the unavoidable three-second pauses that the game takes to background load each and every time you enter and exit a storefront or reach a checkpoint, often creating the impression that the game has crashed.
HOMEFRONT THE REVOLUTION gameplay ITA EP 13 EPC COLPISCE ANCORA by GRACE An exclusive Steel Book A 32 page Art Book featuring Resistance-themed concept art and cutting edge Apex weapon and vehicle technology The Revolutionary Spirit pack The Homefront:
Homefront: The Revolution - PlayStation 4 - IGN
And the single player campaign is just the start - an incredibleCo-Op feature lets you and your friends form your own resistance cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution.
They are both 4 player co-op modes where you either defend a position from enemies or you invade to complete on objective New Releases Coming Soon High Scores Browse A-Z Publications Publishers Trailers.
Ciao a tutti ragazzi oggi vi porto un gameplay di Homefront the revolution fatemi sapere se continuare la serie e se vi va lasciate un MI PIACE COMMENTATE ed ISCRIVETEVI. Trapped in this American nightmare, Philadelphia has become a police state, where surveillance drones and armored patrols keep her once-proud citizens at heel, crushing any dissent with totalitarian force. PS4 Xbox One PC Switch Wii U 3DS PS Vita iOS Legacy.
Deep Silver , Homefront , Homefront: Khari Taylor May 25, The Revolution, even though had the fundamentals for a good FPS was nonetheless a product of a highly tumultuous developing cycle.
The Revolution is not worth your money. HOMEFRONT THE REVOLUTION gameplay ITA EP 14 LA GRANDE FUGA by GRACE Homefront The Revolution - 2 - Primo Assalto - Walkthrough Gameplay ITA In good faith, I soldiered on, figuring that with enough time I could get used to anything, and at first, it seemed I was right. You say you want The Revolution, well now you know The Revolution - This is Philadelphia Trailer. Combat may offer passing pleasures, but in every other respect, this is more devolution than revolution.
Artboard 6 Copy 4. For almost every positive aspect of the game there is an overpowering negative one that drags it down, be it the satisfying weapons, the environmental design etc. The game provided no guidance or clues as to how or where I might find a solution.
1031 :: 1032 :: 1033 :: 1034 :: 1035 :: 1036