EPUB Reader FaultException 1. The landing site of each of the Apollo missions is shown on the satellite image, providing more information on each mission as the user zooms in. German girl, 16, who ran away to join ISIS was found with Of these, the most notable by far is the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal ALSJ.
My thanks to Mick West on Twitter for notifying me. They claim that it could be a fossilised iguana. Giant rechargeable batteries could soon be installed across Britain to help power wind farms and solar panels MOST READ IN DETAIL. AdMob Adscape AdSense AdWords Analytics Contributor Partners DoubleClick DoubleClick for Publishers Wallet. Google Moon is a service similar to Google Earth that shows satellite images of the Moon. Is this the ultimate party speaker? Each of the 6 Apollo landing sites is detailed with maps and placemarks showing where the astronauts explored.
As you can see, nothing is there note the image is rotated a bit relative to the Google Moon shot. Lunar Orbiter images IVH3 regional and IIIH2 VHR local Apollo Apollo Panoramic Camera image ASP Apollo That means the sunlight is coming from the lower right, and shadows are cast to the upper left. This page was last edited on 18 Mayat Young father, 20, dies after being chased by police The Planetary Content Team at Ames has provided Lunar data to the public via the web-based Google Moon interface and via the Moon mode in Google Earth.
I was soooo close. It turns out this object is actually a bit of dirt or debris that was in the lens of the camera that took it. This was in fact my first thought, but when I saw that the images used in Google Moon were from Clementine, I dismissed that idea, since the cameras used by space probes are very clean.
The pictures in question were from a mapping camera on Apollo 15 which is known to have had blemishes in its photos and the link above explains the whole thing. My thanks to Mick West on Twitter for notifying me. Some sites use the word "alien. In the video, YouTube user wowforreeel shows this weird dark shape on the Moon. I made a screen grab of it, and you can see it at the top of this post.
Look at the crater to the left; see how the rim is lit on the upper left, and the lower right is in shadow? That means the sunlight is coming from the lower right, and shadows are cast to the upper left. But I knew we have more recent images, so I went to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter atlas of the Moon. As you can see, nothing is there note the image is rotated a bit relative to the Google Moon shot. Perhaps the alien got bored standing around since and walked off.
Incidentally, the crater to the left in the Google Moon image is also in the LRO image cut off at the bottom. But then I wondered: Is this something in the Clementine images, or is it something in the way Google Moon stitched the images together? That makes me strongly suspect this is not in the original Clementine images but instead is an issue with the way the Google Moon software is stitching pictures together to make the map.
Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. Slate Sign In Sign Up. Is this an alien and shadow on the Moon? Photo from Google Moon and video by wowforreeel. An LRO image of the Moon, with the location of the "alien figure" in the Google Moon map indicated. Clementine images stitched together, showing that same region of the Moon.
The arrow points to the location of the anomaly, which is right where the seam between images is. Top Comment Phil is in on it. FOLLOW SLATE Twitter Facebook Instagram. SLATE ON IPHONE ANDROID KINDLE. ABOUT US CONTACT US WORK WITH US USER AGREEMENT PRIVACY POLICY FAQ FEEDBACK CORRECTIONS.
What is this mystery object spotted on Google Moon? Bizarre wedge-shaped 'craft' appears on the lunar surface | Daily Mail Online
German girl, 16, who ran away to join ISIS was found with They give people another chance to live, all the way from the very beginning March Learn how and when to remove this template message. The first version of Google Moon only included low-resolution satellite imagery of the entire Moon, and when zoomed in too close, a Swiss cheese pattern would appear. Is it part of an alien spaceship nestled under the dust of the moon, or a secret moonbase occupied by humans?
VIP CANDY SOFT, INC 1. Rights to develop and publish the remastered mobile version of "To the Moon" were acquired by X. Geological Survey USGSespecially those who were responsible for creating the Clementine Global Mosaic, the Unified Lunar Control Networkand the Lunar Airbrush Map, which form the basis of the Visible and Elevation layers. But then I wondered: Cool Reader Vadim Lopatin 1. Apollo Panoramic Camera image ASP Apollo Stripping off in all their Splendour!
Sitemap Archive Video Archive Topics Index Mobile Apps Screensaver RSS Text-based site Reader Prints Our Papers Top of page Daily Mail Mail on Sunday This is Money Metro Jobsite Mail Travel Zoopla. The panoramas were produced at NASA Ames from images available through the ALSJ. Ruined in under a fortnight: Apollo provides information about each of the Apollo missions, including placemarks, maps, images, video, and Street View -style panoramas, all provided by NASA. Speculation has exploded over these controversial images which appear to show something unexplained on the surface of the moon.
Insights for Search Trends Knowledge Graph Knowledge Vault. The maps used in the Apollo layer were drawn from a variety of Lunar Orbiter and Apollo images.
Google Moon - Wikipedia
The Elevation map layer was produced by combining a color elevation map derived from the ULCN data with an Airbrushed Shaded Relief Map which was warped by the USGS to align to the ULCN. The maps, imagery, and stories of the Apollo missions that you can see in both of these ways were developed through a collaboration between Google and the Planetary Content Team at the NASA Ames Research Center. Technology News - Computers, Internet, Invention and Innovation Tech TechandGadgetNews.
The shaded relief map is not photographic image data, but rather was produced by professional map artists by hand from a large amount of source imagery.
Art Project Calico Current Chrome Experiments Code-in Code Jam Developer Day Google Business Groups Made with Code Data Liberation Takeout Google Developer Expert Google for Work Self-driving car Earth Outreach Fiber GV " Google " Google China Google Express Googlization Grants Google. Ruined in under a fortnight: The landing site of each of the Apollo missions is shown on the satellite image, providing more information on each mission as the user zooms in. The story of "To the Moon" unfolds before players, much like a movie.
The LPI Lunar Atlases , a comprehensive collection of lunar imagery from the Apollo, Lunar Orbiter, and Ranger programs, and others.
This page was last edited on 18 May , at Travellers dump TONNES A Charts layer is also available. ABOUT THIS GAME Dr. Apollo Panoramic Camera image ASP Apollo The landing site of each of the Apollo missions is shown on the satellite image, providing more information on each mission as the user zooms in. Android version history software development Android Auto Android Pay Android TV Android Wear Chrome OS Chromebit Chromebook Chromebox Chrome Zone Fuchsia. Make your own Moon and Mars maps using the Google Maps API Now you can make your own custom maps of the Moon and Mars using the Google Maps API , just like you can for the Earth!
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