Forum ccleaner

Let us know what you think or suggest new features. You are posting a reply to: How can I manage my Apps? This post has been flagged and will be reviewed by our staff. Run the analyze again and see if any were skipped. Posted March 31, On Board Realtect Monitor s Displays: By DennisD Today, Full customization CCleaner for Mac allows you all the flexibility you need. I believe there were also changes with Adobe I have Dell DimensionWindows XP Professional. Posted March 31, edited.

If your problem is due to the changes with the most recent update, what I said about the settings. You are reporting the following post: You currently have javascript disabled.

LOST YOUR LICENSE KEY? NEED A NEW DOWNLOAD LINK? LICENSE KEY NOT WORKING? Support Questions Getting Help Where can I get the latest versions of Piriform products? How do I take a screenshot? Mac OS How do I take a screenshot?

Android How do I take a screenshot? Is my purchase secure? Can I use Piriform products in my Business? What does the CCleaner Professional Monitoring feature do? Benefits of CCleaner Professional Is CCleaner safe to use? Why do I need to optimize my computer? How do I download CCleaner? Running CCleaner for the first time How do I update CCleaner?

See all 12 articles Advanced Looking for further technical information about CCleaner? Windows 10 Compatibility Issues Why is my analysis taking so long? Problems activating or registering CCleaner Professional Why do I need to log back in to websites after cleaning? See all 9 articles Defraggler General What is Drive Health?

Using Defraggler to Benchmark your drive How do I download Defraggler? Troubleshooting Problems activating or registering Defraggler Professional? How do I download Recuva? Troubleshooting Problems activating or registering Recuva Professional? Speccy General How do I download Speccy? What does Speccy do? Troubleshooting Problems activating or registering Speccy Professional?

CCleaner for Mac General What files does CCleaner for Mac clean? Is CCleaner for Mac available from the Mac App Store? How do I update CCleaner for Mac? Advanced Looking for further technical information about CCleaner for Mac?

Troubleshooting Run CCleaner for Mac debug CCleaner for Android General What does CCleaner for Android do? How do I download CCleaner for Android? How does CCleaner for Android know what files to clean?

Why does CCleaner for Android require permissions? What operating system can I run CCleaner for Android on? How can I change the language in CCleaner for Android?

Running CCleaner for Android for the first time How can I see my System Information? How can I manage my Apps? Call Log and SMS cleaning in CCleaner Android Advanced How do I add custom cleaning locations? What is the Quick Clean Widget? What are Custom Analyses? Troubleshooting What should I do if I have a problem with CCleaner for Android? CCleaner for Android has deleted important files CCleaner Network General CCleaner Network Professional overview CCleaner Network licensing Recommended System Requirements Communication Requirements - Ports What do the different colored Endpoint icons mean?

How is the Health calculated?

CCleaner - Forums - CNET

I do not have any issues with CCleaner full version and Eset. Sorry, there was a problem flagging this post. Select exactly what you want cleaned, include or exclude custom files or folders and choose which cookies to keep or delete. Posted March 26, edited. Our Sites Vista Forums Eight Forums Seven Forums.

CCleaner Cloud Discussion CCleaner Cloud Bug ReportingCCleaner Cloud Suggestions Using CCleaner Cloud? Logitech M wireless combo Hard Drives: About Us Windows 10 Forums is an independent web site and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Microsoft Corporation. Sexually explicit or offensive language Spam: If Norton is the cause, what info would you need?

However, when you choose to run CCleaner, only those item types which have their boxes checked along the left side of the dialogue will be deleted.

Piriform Community Forums

This Topic All Content This Topic This Forum Advanced Search. Cars Best Cars News Reviews Recalls Pictures AutoComplete Carfection Cooley On Cars Concept Cars Electric Cars How to buy the best Coupe Crossover Electric Vehicle Family Car Hybrid Minivan Sedan Truck. If your problem is due to the changes with the most recent update, what I said about the settings.. Likespieman May 14, , 8: Discuss Windows Security and help keep your computer safe. LICENSE KEY NOT WORKING?

Tell us what you think. Flaming or offending other users Illegal activities: At least I have a restore point prior to each Ccleaner run. Find and remove these files with the click of a button so your Mac can run faster. Go figure that one out!!

Should I uncheck them all??

Improve CCleaner With CCEnhancer

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