Программы читалок, которые открывают формат электронных книг 2. The selection of authors, series, title, publication year, genre. Home Downloads Skins History. Table of contents, bookmarks, text search.
Loading different versions AlReader Version for PDA, communicators amd smartphones Android: Онлайн библиотекой, из которой можно бесплатно скачивать нужные книги.
Do you love to read, and hard-copy books are not available to you for any reason, or too expensive, or in your home they have no place to store, or maybe you - an ardent fighter for the environment and each paper book for you - this is another blighted tree. If even one of these statements applies to you, then this site is for you. Good or bad, but the development of computer hardware and tie their networks has led to what has now become quite normal to have on computer hard drives or even hundreds of thousands of books and other text information.
The ease with which you can search and download on the Internet almost any book is amazing. Also, do not be questioned by the fact that store and transport volumes of digitized texts is much easier compared to their paper counterparts.
Indeedsimple arithmetic shows that, for example on a normal hard drive GB can hold up to half a million books average "thickness". Even impossible to imagine an apartment or a house accommodating a lot of books. Of coursethese benefits will not at least for now to the disappearance of the classic book. One of the many reasons is the inconvenience of reading from a computer screen. At the beginning of e-books and other texts read using text editors or viewersbut their use in most cases is not very convenient.
Thereforea new class of programs specifically adapted for screen readers - E-reader. Home Downloads Skins History. Direct link to the program. Readers All-all-all about reading e-books - Reeed. More Discussion Web 4pda android Web 4pda WM Web lenhenster Skins and fines About Ebook Reader Good or bad, but the development of computer hardware and tie their networks has led to what has now become quite normal to have on computer hard drives or even hundreds of thousands of books and other text information.
Supported ZIP and GZ archives. Text-To-Speech support OPDS support It is possible to specify an encoding of reading file include,code page. The selection of authors, series, title, publication year, genre. ColorDict3, GoldenDict, Fora Dictionary, Dictan, Lingvo, FreeDictionary, HedgeDict, AardDictionary, QuickDict, Slovoed. Fb2 and TXT file editing.
If a file is in an archive, edited file is unpacked to the same directory as the original one. It is possible to select code page for file names in zip. Correct hyphenation for 20 languages. Four profiles with independent font, color, brightness, gamma correction and indent of text.
One- and two-page mode with automatic switch to the two-page mode in landscape. Configuring of display styles headings, citations, abstracts, etc. Each style includes font, color, text style, text size, shadow, indent, spacing and so on. Autoscroll "wave" and "slide". Initial letter to one or two lines of text at the beginning of each chapter or paragraph. Independent setting of all items in the status bar and footer for windowed and full-screen mode. Support for display of footnotes on the page for fb2- and most epub-files.
The horizontal and vertical alignment of text on the screen. Navigation in the text: Table of contents in fb2- doc- and epub-files. Fixation of screen rotation. Upon selection of embedded texture, background color is taken into account, i.
Clock behind the text. Quotes, bookmarks, text labeling, sending the selected text to third-party programs. Creating shortcuts for books on the home screen. Ability to hold screen backlight up to 20 minutes of inactivity. Fine-tuning of various indentations, adjusting software shading of the screen if minimal hardware brightness level is too high for comfortable use. The program collects anonymous statistics of open books for creating the top authors and books.
This top is available in program. Synchronize reading position via network or file system.
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Aldiko Book Reader Aldiko Limited 1. Популярный формат 2 книг теперь стал доступен для смартфонов Андроид. Шаблоны переносов 23 языка Additional fonts support place. Text to Speech TTS support. I am changing devices and I would really like to do a backup and restore. Home Contact Privacy Policy DMCA Policy Terms Of Use Submit Your App Remove Your App Sitemap All the applications are property of their respective owners. How do I export bookmarks and other settings.
Cool Reader Silver Donation Vadim Lopatin 1. Browse Log In Sign Up. It is possible to select code page for file names in zip. This top is available in program. Онлайн библиотекой, из которой можно бесплатно скачивать нужные книги.
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Cool Reader Vadim Lopatin 1. To confirm this action, please enter the title of the story below. February 15, at 2: Customizable tap zone and key actions. ADW Apex Dodol Go Hola Next Nova Smart Go Locker. Table of contents, bookmarks, text search. Brightness adjustments by flick on left edge of screen.
January 7, at 4: Bookmarks on text fragments comments or corrections - useful for proof reading. Synchronization is disabled by default; to enable and configure it, use the preferences dialog. Bookmarks on text fragments comments or corrections — useful for proof reading. June 23, at 6: Styles can be customised in wide range using external CSS.
Export of bookmarks to text file. Initial letter to one or two lines of text at the beginning of each chapter or paragraph. April 30, at 2: Is there some option for showing only one instance of cool reader at a time on my kobo arc tablet?
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